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Structural and Industrial Inspections

There are many places out of reach for humans, be it for health and safety reasons or inaccessibility.

Drones can be useful for Industrial and Structural Inspections.

CamFly Films is using drones equipped with 360°protective cage, enabling to fly indoor and outdoor in challenging and complicated environments, such as underground industrial installations, outdoor structures such as bridges, or warehouse metal frames.

Drones are providing survey grade digital data for maintenance planning and management of inspection of assets.

We have conducted several structural and industrial inspections, of High Voltage pylons, Railway catenary systems and metal bridge structures. 


The high resolution and infrared sensors cameras can provide night vision and thermal imaging that can be useful for a number of measurements, heat loss, heat spots on electrical equipment, structural damage, indoor or outdoor. For indoor and difficult environments, the drone is fitted with an ultra light 360° protection cage, allowing it to bump into obstacles while mitigating the risk of crash.

In dark environments, powerful LED onboard lights allow to carry on completing the task safely.

We were commissioned to inspect and assess the safety of the installation of Audio equipment in the roof structure of the Wembley stadium were beams and cables are intricately connected. We used a DJI Mavic 2 Zoom equipped with a zooming camera and anti-collision sensors, and fitted it with the bump cage and were able to complete this delicate task at more than 50m from the ground. 

As in many sectors of the Construction Industry, Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAV) have gained an increasing interest when it comes to Surveys and Inspections, including structural inspection of Powerlines. wind turbines, Power plants and Bridges.

Bridge Structural Inspection

Relying on our industrial grade drone Matrice 210, equipped with its 30X zooming capability camera, mounted Upwards on the top of the drone, we are able to produce High Resolution, scalable imagery, enabling a centimeter detailed data collection of the bridge structure, showing clearly all damage in the inspected area.


Bridge structural inspection by drone is just like in many other sectors, safer, faster and of lower cost when compared to traditional methods.

Camfly Films Ltd holds an OSC Operational Authorisation to fly our high end professional drones at 10 meters from uninvolved people, properties, vehicles, vessels and structures, in central London and all congested areas.

Because of this special and very unique permission, we can provide legally a better service than the majority of the competition while keeping safe people and property and their occupants, using this extended permission we received from the CAA.

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CamFly Films is registered with  the CAA (Civil Aviation Authority) since 2014 under ID 754 and holds an OSC (Operating safety case) allowing us to operate at reduced distances from people and property

Drone safe register logo
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We hold a CSCS (Construction Skills Certification Scheme) Certification to visit and access building sites, so you can rely on trained, qualified and experienced experts on your site.



14, Eaton Park Road

London N13 4EL

Company Reg: 9211505

VAT Reg: 220 9583 14

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