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Roof Plans and Roof Measurement

When the Roof plans are lost or missing, when the building is too ancient, or if for any reason the measurements of the roof need to be recovered, it is possible to recreate them with 99.8% accuracy within a few hours.


The process is based on aerial photogrammetry.


1 - We program our drone to fly autonomously in a scanning fashion over the roof, taking as many as necessary (sometimes hundreds) geotagged  pictures.


2 - The collected data is processed through a dedicated program to create an ultra high resolution picture that will be the base of all calculations.


3 - The report is produced, showcasing new roof plans and detailed roof measurements, including surface areas, lengths, pitch, slopes, perimeter and edge measurement for all the parts of the ro



Full Report


The cloud generated Roof Measurement Report, fully detailed, available within hours, can be used for many purposes by property managers, surveyors, insurers and roofers, for example in a project of tiles replacement, full roof replacement, for insurance report or dispute or solar panels installation.


The cost of the operation is much lower compared to the manned measurement of the roof, removing the need for installing scaffolding, the danger to work at height and the time spent on the whole process of producing the report.  


Please see below this complete roof measurement report  delivered the next day of the survey with this technology.

Roof mapping picture
Roof plan from drone picture

Camfly Films Ltd holds an OSC Operational Authorisation to fly our high end professional drones at 10 meters from uninvolved people, properties, vehicles, vessels and structures, in central London and all congested areas.

Because of this special and very unique permission, we can provide legally a better service than the majority of the competition while keeping safe people and property and their occupants, using this extended permission we received from the CAA.

The report as delivered
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CamFly Films is registered with  the CAA (Civil Aviation Authority) since 2014 under ID 754 and holds an OSC (Operating safety case) allowing us to operate at reduced distances from people and property

Drone safe register logo
CSCS logo

We hold a CSCS (Construction Skills Certification Scheme) Certification to visit and access building sites, so you can rely on trained, qualified and experienced experts on your site.



14, Eaton Park Road

London N13 4EL

Company Reg: 9211505

VAT Reg: 220 9583 14

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