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camfly films

CamFly Films was founded in 2014 to provide unmanned Aerial video and photography services to our clients in need of elevated pictures for their production.

Serge Kouperschmidt

Creative Director and founder

Serge Koupeschmidt

Serge Kouperschmidt has over 30 years of experience in Video Production and worked as a Cameraman and Director of Photography for the TV News and film industry all over the world. He is a qualified Drone Pilot and set up CamFly Films in 2014 when Unmanned Aerial Video started to emerge and get technical maturity.

" In my approach to corporate film creation, adding aerial footage has always been the way to make a real difference with the competition. For the clients first, and for us, as providing the ultimate video services. Back in the years, we could only use helicopters, so expensive and not flexible... Today, many other industries are now taking advantage of drone technology, especially the construction sector, where drones are used to conduct surveys and inspections, reducing costs and improving safety for workers who can now operate from the ground. Camfly Films is using drones for Aerial photography and video since 2014 when the first "ready to fly" drones, equipped with stabilized gimbals and excellent mini-HD cameras appeared. We were immediately drawn to it, and it was a great move. Nowadays, there is not a single film production or roof inspection project that doesn't include drone imagery. It became a natural and usual requirement from the clients."

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CamFly Films is registered with  the CAA (Civil Aviation Authority) since 2014 under ID 754 and holds an OSC (Operating safety case) allowing us to operate at reduced distances from people and property

Drone safe register logo
CSCS logo

We hold a CSCS (Construction Skills Certification Scheme) Certification to visit and access building sites, so you can rely on trained, qualified and experienced experts on your site.


14, Eaton Park Road

London N13 4EL

Company Reg: 9211505

VAT Reg: 220 9583 14

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